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Additional Services

Beauty Boosting Treatments



From $8


Add Ons

From $3


From $65


Eyelash Extensions

From $75

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Pink Sugar

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Beauty Boosting Treatments

Additional Services: Services


* Upper Lip: $8
* Eyebrow: $15
* Chin: $10
* Side Burns: $10+
* Under arms: $20+
* Half Arms: $30+
* Full Face: $40+
* Half Legs: $40+
* Full Legs: $70+
* Bikini: $35+
* Brazilian: $60+
* Eyebrow Tint: $20

Waxing services used with hot wax to remove your hair from its roots to delay hair growth.

Add Ons

* Soak Off: $10+
* Repair: $4+
* Trim Repair: $3+
* French Finish: $5
* Callous Removal: $5
* Paraffin Wax: $7+
* Nail Art: $5+
* Buff shine: $5
* Polish Change Hand: $10
* Polish Change Feet: $12
* Special Nail Shaping: $5
* Nail Length: $5+
* Hot stone foot massage: $10+

Feeling extra? We got you, boo!



Treatment includes resurfacing exfoliation, lifting and plumping mask, a hyaluronic serum and finishing cream to hydrate, reduce wrinkles, and stimulate new growth

Eyelash Extensions

* Full Set Individual: $130
* Full Set Hybrid: $150
* Refill (every two weeks): $75 & up
* Lash Lift: $75
* Lash lift and tint: $95

A lash extension treatment involves applying individual synthetic lashes onto each natural eyelash to add extra length and volume. This service takes around an hour and a half for a full set to be applied, so please have that in mind when you come in.

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